時間:19:00 - 23:00
地點:酒吧 (九龍)
最低消費: 2杯酒精飲品
服飾指引: 輕便裝束,禁止裸露、或戀物服裝
活動內容: 繩聚‧繩醉是個非派對形式的聚會讓所有人到場交流聯誼,我們將提供一個類似包廂形式的空間令到場參加的人士得到私隱,讓大家可以討論繩或相關話題。
Rope munch
Date: Wednesday, 19 Dec, 2018
Time: 19:00 - 23:00
Venue: Bar in Kowloon area
Entry fee: Free**
**Food and drinks at your own costs (alcoholic available at the bar - recommend craft beer and whisky)
Minimum charge: 2 alcoholic drinks
Dress code: Casual - No nudity or fetish wear
Description: Rope munch is a casual gathering for rope lovers to gather and talk about ropes freely. We offer a private room to protect your privacy so come along, have a few drinks and meet your fellow rope lovers.
Note: it is NOT a play party.
Please send a message to the following page latest by 17:00 on the day of the event: https://www.facebook.com/kokorostudio.hongkong with
your 1) Nickname 2) Contact number 3) Number of people
We will then contact you with the details!